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Weave to yours self and being
Valentina Alcalde Gómez

The photographs presented are part of the ethnographic work done during the research I did in the master's degree in communication and social change. This research was carried out in Usuy, a town in southern Senegal, cooperating with the NGO Dexde (Design for development) and the Kalamissoo organization, a group of artisan women. During the time that I was living there, one of my biggest challenges was taking pictures. While trying to be respectful, I was afraid to be part of the community and show myself in the territory, which implied unraveling and allowing myself to be. The smile of Naffy, who was my palm weaving teacher, invited me to be a part, and only then I did achieve these photographs that portray what my eyes saw while I was allowed to unweave to myself. These photographs, for the most part, are more than an ethnographic work. There are encounters.
Valentina Alcalde Gómez
Iberoamerican University Puebla
Afro-descendant and feminist. Born in Colombia, she has lived in Mexico since 2016. She is a designer and master in communication for social change focused on research and development at projects related to social change, the decolonization of design, and autonomy. She earned honorable mention in her master's thesis called: Manifestations of Coloniality and Decoloniality in Social Design. She is interested in social change projects promoted by and from participatory settings. She co-founder of Materia Oscura collective. She teaches at the Universidad Anáhuac Puebla and the Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla in Mexico.